Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators
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Region Management and Leadership Roles


Region directors play a key role in managing the affairs of the state organization and an instrumental role in the business of their respective regions. They understand how important it is to model good practices for local units.  

Role as a region leader 
  • Act as a liaison between the ATPE state and regional organizations. 
  • Communicate information to the region about activities and decisions made by the ATPE Board of Directors (BOD). 
  • Understand the importance of protecting the overall integrity of the association through financial safeguards at the regional level. 
  • Support and assist region presidents in meeting region business obligations. 
Role as a BOD member
BOD service requires a two-year commitment, and attendance expectations are set forth in the ATPE State Bylaws (Article V, Section 3, and Article VIII, Section 5). The BOD:
  • As deemed appropriate, grants the executive committee the authority to supervise association matters between BOD meetings.
  • Has final authority in setting the association’s annual budget, taking into consideration the executive committee’s budget recommendations.
  • Sets association policy consistent with House of Delegates-established policies.
  • Requires each association officer, the executive director, and all committees to submit periodic and annual reports.
  • Receives, reviews, and presents to the HOD the annual treasurer’s report and the auditor’s annual report.
  • Employs legal, audit, consulting, and specialized services.
  • Determines the number of members of standing committees and appoints members to such committees annually.
  • Appoints special committees.
  • Determines the location of all offices of the corporation.
  • Hires the executive director, subject to House of Delegates (HOD) confirmation.
  • Establishes all other employment positions.
  • Sets the time and place of annual and special HOD meetings and approves the minutes of the meetings.
  • Charters local units and regional organizations and amends local unit and region charter standards.

Directors attend quarterly BOD meetings. In addition, they receive training on matters appropriate to their roles as fiduciaries of the state association and in the state association’s decision-making processes. Each director is asked to sign a conflict of interest form, a document establishing willingness to abide by a code of ethical conduct, and a form acknowledging receipt of ATPE’s whistleblower policy.


Region presidents are team leaders who motivate their fellow executive team members while working together to achieve region goals. Region presidents seek counsel from other region officers and delegate tasks to organize team members’ efforts to ensure the success and growth of their local units.

  1. Budget, finances, and financial safeguards
    Understand and assume fiduciary responsibility for the region budget.
    • Budget for region officers to attend state events, such as the summit, ATPE at the Capitol, etc.
    • Work with executive officers to ensure appropriate financial safeguards are in place.
    • Budget to support local units as they attend state and region training events.
    • Anticipate revenue and make sure region goals can be met within revenue projections.
    • Ensure bank statements are reviewed monthly with a financial report presented to the executive officers at each meeting.
    • Ensure the region submits its treasurer’s report to the state office annually.
  2. Membership and local unit support
    • Define region membership goals with executive officers.
    • Create and implement a plan to support local units’ membership growth and involvement in ATPE.
    • Develop a volunteer succession plan to ensure the growth of knowledgeable future leaders.
    • Know each local unit’s current and up-and-coming leaders.
    • Nurture, encourage, and recognize growing volunteer leaders.
    • Maintain a system of communicating with local unit presidents.
    • Mentor and support struggling local units with the assistance of executive officers.
    • Facilitate other activities and projects that promote ATPE within your region.
    • Nominate members of your region for state/regional awards or to serve on state committees.
  3. Region elections and meetings
    • Run region elections in accordance with region bylaws.
    • Work with the executive officers to appoint a nominating committee.
    • Coordinate, facilitate, and act as chair at region meetings.
    • Work with region secretary to publicize meetings to encourage attendance.
    • Develop meeting agendas with assistance of executive officers.
    • Oversee and maintain region webpage updates for all members to access.

Vice presidents

Region vice presidents are flexible leaders who are learning about the region presidency. They actively support the president by willingly assuming assigned duties and/or active involvement in assisting with regional goals.

General duties
  • Be aware of all region matters.
  • Assist the president in achieving region goals.
  • Perform the duties of the president in his/her absence.
  1. Work with the region president to make sure region bylaws are upheld.
    • Assist in developing a regional elections process.
    • Determine if elections will be conducted via mail or email.
    • Ensure a fair member-notification system is in place.
    • Assist in reviewing monthly bank statements.
  2. Understand fiduciary responsibility for the region budget.
    • Ensure appropriate financial safeguards are in place.


Region secretaries are reliable, organized, and objective leaders. They help members know what actions have taken place by recording meeting minutes at region meetings.

General duties
  • Record meeting minutes and circulate copies of the previous meeting’s minutes.
  • Create and distribute communications to the local units in the region and the ATPE state office.
  • Maintain the region bylaws and archives.
  • Assist with region elections.
  1. Record meeting minutes
    • Accurately record meeting business.
    • Prepare a draft of the minutes and circulate it to region officers.
    • Provide copies of the approved minutes from the previous meeting to distribute.
  2. Assist in establishing a procedure for conducting meetings.
    • Follow your region bylaws and parliamentary procedure to ensure organized, effective meetings.
    • Maintain region bylaws and provide the ATPE state office an updated copy when changes occur.
    • Know the basics of how to walk a motion through the voting process and how to determine if a quorum exists.
  3. Assist with region elections.
    • Assist in appropriately certifying and/or verifying delegates for any region voting purposes.
    • Facilitate the election notification process.
    • Develop a ballot based on nominations received from the nomination/election committee.
    • Time candidate speeches during the election. 


Region treasurers are organized, responsible leaders who handle all region monies payable and receivable.

  1. Keep track of the money.
    • Understand and assume fiduciary responsibility for the region budget.
    • Keep accurate records of region finances.
    • Maintain a checkbook with a clear explanation of each entry.
    • Reconcile the account monthly.
    • Make and record deposits of membership rebates and other receipts.
    • Write checks for ATPE events and region activities.
    • Present the treasurer’s report at region executive committee meetings and at general membership meetings.
  2. Make sure financial safeguards are in place.
    • Have financial records reviewed or audited by an independent third party on an annual basis. This review should also be done before you take responsibility for the finances of the region.
    • Ensure bank accounts require two signatures for disbursement of funds, but make sure all officers are authorized to sign checks.
    • Do not sign blank checks or allow them to be signed by other officers.
    • Do not write checks to “Cash.”
    • Require supporting documentation for all disbursements (receipts, travel vouchers, etc.).
    • Reconcile all bank statements upon receipt and distribute to officer team for monthly review.
  3. Set budget and prepare financial reports
    • Meet with your executive committee at the beginning of your region's fiscal year to prepare a budget based on goals you set together and to determine activities for the upcoming year.
    • Project total revenue (region rebates) and expenditures (travel and meeting expenses) for the year based on planned activities and expected membership.
    • Compare actual receipts and disbursements against your budget and report budget variances.
    • Provide financial reports to executive officers on the status of region finances at each executive meeting and to members at each region meeting.
    • Prepare and submit the region treasurer’s report to the state office annually.