About ATPE

Campus Representative
Campus representatives serve as the voice of ATPE on their campuses. This is an extremely rewarding volunteer role. Campus reps may work in a district with an ATPE local unit. Or they may represent ATPE in a district without a local unit. As a campus rep, you have only a few primary responsibilities:
- Serve as a visible leader on your campus.
- Share why you love ATPE with your colleagues and ask them to join.
- Distribute, collect and process ATPE membership applications.
- Share information about ATPE benefits and activities and legislative happenings throughout the year.
A more detailed job description can be found here. Some educators are concerned that if they become campus reps, they’ll have to assist their colleagues with job-related legal issues. That is not the case. In fact, all a campus rep should do when approached by a fellow member with a job-related concern is remind the member that help is available with a phone call to (800) 777-ATPE or a visit to www.atpe.org.
If you are interested in serving in this vital role for ATPE, please log in and fill out the signup form here.