Legal Resources

Claims Procedure
What to do when you need help
Except in situations requiring immediate representation by a private-practice criminal defense attorney, eligible ATPE members must contact the ATPE Member Legal Services Department at (800) 777-ATPE (2873) between 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday–Friday to request legal assistance with employment concerns. In some cases, eligible members are referred to private-practice attorneys on the list of firms approved by the insurance company.
Except for criminal defense, only fees from attorneys and law firms approved by National Union Fire Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa., may be covered. If members retain attorneys in private practice, they must comply with the claims procedure set forth by ATPE.*
Need a criminal defense attorney?
If you need an attorney for an employment-related criminal matter and are not able to reach the state office, please secure any attorney necessary, then contact the ATPE state office at (800) 777-ATPE (2873) or through this legal contact form at your earliest opportunity to request the necessary claim materials.*
How to contact the ATPE Member Legal Services Department
To access these benefits, you must be an eligible ATPE member at the time of the activity that leads to an action against you.
- Always contact the ATPE Member Legal Services Department first when you have an employment-related legal problem. Call (800) 777-2873 or complete this simple online form.
- Identify your call immediately to the ATPE receptionist by asking for the legal department.
- Be assured that your call is confidential. Legal services are provided for ATPE members only, hence the need to verify name, current address and telephone number.
- Start by stating your question or problem, beginning with the most recent event/occurrence.
- Have a copy of your contract or pertinent documentation readily available for the attorney.
- Fax your material directly to the legal department fax line at (512) 454-4543 prior to your call, and include a callback time.
- If your time is limited during business hours, call the state office and leave a message with the legal receptionist for an attorney to contact you at a convenient time. Your call will be returned promptly. You may do the same if all the lines to the legal department are occupied rather than hold indefinitely.
- Have a friend or relative call on your behalf and request a callback at your convenience.
- The legal department operates on weekdays with inbound calls taken from 8 a.m.–5 p.m. and callbacks exclusively to members after hours.
Published/reviewed: January 17, 2020
*THE EDUCATORS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY IS UNDERWRITTEN BY NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. ALL COVERAGE IS SUBJECT TO THE EXPRESS TERMS OF THE MASTER INSURANCE POLICY ISSUED TO ATPE AND KEPT ON FILE AT THE ATPE STATE OFFICE. Coverage applies to an insured’s activities within his/her professional capacity and does not apply to activities that predate the coverage period. View 2024–25 insurance policy details here. Eligibility for ATPE membership benefits is contingent upon ATPE’s receipt of the annual membership dues amount for your appropriate membership category. A disruption in payments to an authorized payment plan may result in discontinuation of membership benefits, including cancellation of insurance coverage. ATPE reserves the right to determine eligibility for the appropriate membership category. The membership year runs from August 1–July 31.
**Staff attorney services are provided separate from the Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program.