About ATPE

Volunteer Roles
Each ATPE volunteer has an important role to play in the growth and continued success of the association.
Local unit presidents
The local unit president is a team leader who motivates fellow volunteers as they work together to achieve local unit goals.
General duties
Delegate tasks and organize team members’ efforts.
Make sure a local unit membership campaign strategy is created and carried out.
Communicate with the state office and regional organization.
Presidents’ responsibilities
1. Membership campaign
Work with executive officers to define membership goals.
Receive membership materials from the state office.
Maintain an informed network of campus representatives.
2. Budget and finances
Work with executive officers to ensure funds are used in the best interest of the local unit membership.
Budget for activities (e.g., ATPE Summit, local unit activities, etc.).
Co-sign checks with the local unit treasurer (if permitted by your financial institution).
Ensure financial records of accounts are presented to the executive officers at each meeting.
3. Communication with the state office and regional ATPE organizations
Disseminate information you receive from the state office to your fellow officers, campus reps, or membership as appropriate.
Nominate members for state/regional awards or to serve on state committees.
Register members for the ATPE Summit each year.
4. Local unit meetings, elections, and summit
Decide how often to meet.
Develop meeting agendas with assistance from fellow officers.
Publicize meetings to encourage attendance.
Work with the executive officers to appoint a local unit nomination/election committee.
Work with the nomination/election committee to ensure fair and timely elections occur.
Certify local unit delegates to attend the House of Delegates (HOD) at the summit.
5. Other optional activities
Facilitate other activities and projects, such as a newsletter, scholarships, a local services and discounts program, or fundraisers.
Present issues of interest to employees to the local school board.
Local unit vice presidents
Vice presidents actively support the president by willingly assuming assigned duties and/or by actively suggesting ideas in executive meetings.
General duties
Perform the duties of the president in their absence.
Be aware of all local unit matters.
Assist the president in achieving local unit goals.
Vice presidents’ responsibilities
1. Work with the local unit nomination/election committee.
In the absence of a nomination/election committee, the vice president acts alone and:
Sets election meeting dates;
Determines if elections will be conducted via mail or email; and
Ensures a fair member notification system is in place.
2. Assume fiduciary responsibility for the local unit’s budget.
Collaborate with executive officer team to make sure appropriate financial safeguards are in place, and assist with reviewing local unit financial records.
Local unit secretaries
Local unit secretaries are organized and objective leaders who record meeting minutes for their local units.
General duties
Record meeting minutes and circulate copies of the previous meeting’s minutes.
Distribute communications to local unit members and the ATPE state office.
Maintain the local unit archives.
Secretaries’ responsibilities
1. Work with the president to establish a procedure for conducting meetings.
Work with your fellow officers to establish a procedure to ensure organized, effective meetings.
Keep local unit bylaws updated and refer to them when necessary.
Verify that meeting attendees are indeed ATPE members before they vote on local unit matters.
Assist with local unit elections as needed.
2. Record meeting minutes.
Attend meetings to accurately record meeting business.
Prepare a draft of the minutes and circulate it to the proper local unit/region officers.
Attend each meeting with copies of the previous meeting’s approved minutes to distribute.
3. Communicate with the ATPE state office.
Submit any local unit bylaws changes to the state office.
Assist in submitting updated officer and campus rep lists as needed.
4. Assist with reviewing local unit financial records.
Local unit treasurers
Local unit treasurers are organized, responsible leaders who handle all local unit monies payable and receivable. They should work with the executive officers to set and maintain the local unit budget.
Treasurers’ responsibilities
1. Keep track of the money.
Keep accurate records of local unit finances.
Maintain a checkbook with a clear explanation of each entry. Balance the checkbook monthly.
Ensure that you and the local unit president are the only officers who have signature authority on the bank account.
Write checks for ATPE events and local unit activities.
Present the treasurer’s report at local unit executive committee meetings and at general local unit meetings.
Circulate the local unit’s bank statement to the officer team each month for review.
2. Make sure financial safeguards are in place.
Ensure that bank accounts require two signatures for disbursement of funds, but make sure all officers are authorized to sign checks to make obtaining a second signature easier.
Do not sign blank checks or allow them to be signed by other officers.
Require supporting documentation for all disbursements (receipts, travel vouchers, etc.). Keep all such documents and your check register in one location.
Have financial records reviewed or audited by an independent third-party volunteer on an annual basis as long as the person was not responsible for keeping the prior year’s records.
3. Set your local unit budget.
Meet with your executive committee to prepare a budget based on goals you set together and to determine activities for the upcoming year.
Project total revenue (travel assistance, region assistance, interest, and local unit dues) and expenditures (travel and meeting expenses) for the year based on planned activities and expected membership, and apply for appropriate state financial assistance when needed.
Note: You must pay sales tax when purchasing supplies that will be used for the benefit of the local unit.
4. Prepare a treasurer’s report for local unit meetings.
Report on the balances of funds on deposit (list of banks, accounts, and balances in the accounts).
Report on local unit income and expenditures.
Compare actual local unit income and expenditures to the budget.
Local unit membership chairs
Local unit membership chairs assist in coordinating the local unit’s membership campaign.
General duties
Coordinate campus representative training and have current membership materials.
Assist in setting local unit campaign goals.
Develop a campus representative and volunteer recruitment program.
Membership chairs’ responsibilities
1. Act as a liaison between the campus representatives and officer corps.
Assist in developing a campus rep and volunteer training program.
Ensure all volunteers have current membership materials.
Communicate with campus reps and volunteers as needed.
2. Coordinate membership materials and campaign activities with the executive officers.
Communicate the local unit’s membership campaign plan to campus reps and volunteers, and assist with training as needed.
Assist in establishing the local unit’s procedure for returning membership applications to the state office.
Local unit past presidents
Local unit past presidents are leaders who mentor and support their fellow officers.
General duties
- Serve as active members of executive committees.
- Offer guidance on local unit decisions.
- Assist in making sure that appropriate financial safeguards are in place and that the local unit’s bank statements are reviewed monthly.
Campus representatives
Campus representatives serve as the voice of ATPE on their campuses. Campus reps may work in a district with an ATPE local unit, or they may represent ATPE in a district without a local unit.
General duties
Serve as a visible leader on your campus.
Share why you love ATPE with your colleagues and ask them to join.
Share important news/calls to action from the state office with members on your campus.
During the Fall 90-Day Membership Campaign (August 1–October 31)
Set up and maintain a display of ATPE materials in the staff workroom or lounge on your campus.
Review your campus membership list and let the state office know if any members are no longer on the campus, have retired, or have left the district. State staff will then reach out to these members to confirm the changes.
Make an effort to speak with every new employee on your campus and ask them to join.
Remind previous ATPE members to renew their memberships.
Sign and date paper applications and mail them to the state office very two weeks.
During Spring Join Early Campaign (April 1–End of School)
Set up and maintain a display of ATPE materials in the staff workroom or lounge on your campus.