Legal Resources

Private Practice Attorneys
Attorneys and law firms approved by the insurance company
The insurance company has approved the following attorneys and law firms.
The approved list below is subject to change at any time and without notice.
- Brim & Brim, P.C.
- Blake Armstrong, P.C.
- Oscar Alvarez
- How Frels & Duke, P.C.
- The Ortiz Law Firm
- Tritico Rainey, PLLC
- Jim Darnell, P.C.
- Watson, Caraway, Midkiff & Luningham, LLP
- The Law Offices of Ruben R. Pena
- The Lungwitz Law Firm, P.C.
- The McCormick Law Firm
- Tony Conners, Attorney at Law
How were these attorneys and law firms selected?
In collaboration with the insurance company, attorneys and law firms were selected using the following criteria:
- Experience in education and employment law.
- Quality of services and responsiveness to clients’ and ATPE’s needs as demonstrated by user feedback.
- Efficiency, billing practices, and compliance with claims procedures.
- Competitive rates.
- Availability and geographic location of practice.
- Ability to constructively interact with all components of the program.
- Cooperation with the claims administrator and insurance carrier.
- Philosophy and approach compatible with those of ATPE.
- Demonstrated sound judgment.
- Adequate professional liability insurance as determined by the company.
What to expect from a private-practice attorney
You must call ATPE before hiring an attorney, unless you need to consult an attorney on a criminal matter and are not able to reach the state office. In that instance only, please secure any attorney necessary, then contact the ATPE state office at (800) 777-ATPE (2873) or through this legal contact form at your earliest opportunity.
I have called ATPE for legal assistance and was referred to an attorney in private practice. What should I expect?
Understanding your rights as a legal services consumer will ensure that the representation process goes smoothly. It is important to:
- Make sure your attorney understands your goals.
- Understand what your attorney can do for you.
- Discuss potential outcomes of your case.
- Have good rapport with your attorney.
- Ask your attorney a question about anything that you do not understand or that concerns you regarding the representation.
What are the highlights of my legal benefit?
Your professional liability insurance policy* includes:
- Up to $10,000 per claim, win or lose, for the defense of covered employment matters subject to $20,000 aggregate per insured member.
- Up to $15,000 per claim and aggregate for the defense of criminal allegations subject to $10,000 win or lose in certain circumstances.
- Up to $5,000 per bail bond.
If other insurance is available to you covering a loss also covered by this policy, then this policy shall apply in excess of and shall not contribute with such other insurance. Please notify any other potential insurance carriers of your claim.
What will my private-practice attorney do for me?
Your attorney should:
- Represent your best interests zealously.
- Counsel you realistically regarding the representation.
- Keep you informed of new developments in your case.
- Submit a claim as required by the insurance company to obtain payment, if you and your attorney have agreed on that method of payment.
- Provide you with copies of billing statements.
Your attorney may:
- Ask you to sign an assignment form to authorize direct payment from the insurance company to the attorney.
- Contact other parties on your behalf.
- Bill for both the attorney’s time spent assisting you, as well as actual expenses (example: long distance calls, copying, mail, expert fees, etc.).
What if I have concerns about my legal representation?
As a party in a legal proceeding, it is beneficial for you to:
- Understand that patience is necessary as the legal process can be time-consuming.
- Discuss your concerns regarding the representation with your attorney.
- Contact ATPE if concerns persist.
Once your representation by a private-practice attorney has concluded, we’ll send you a quality-control survey. We want your feedback. We will review it and act upon it as appropriate.
*THE EDUCATORS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY IS UNDERWRITTEN BY NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, PA. ALL COVERAGE IS SUBJECT TO THE EXPRESS TERMS OF THE MASTER INSURANCE POLICY ISSUED TO ATPE AND KEPT ON FILE AT THE ATPE STATE OFFICE. Coverage applies to an insured’s activities within his/her professional capacity and does not apply to activities that predate the coverage period. View 2024–25 insurance policy details here. Eligibility for ATPE membership benefits is contingent upon ATPE’s receipt of the annual membership dues amount for your appropriate membership category. A disruption in payments to an authorized payment plan may result in discontinuation of membership benefits, including cancellation of insurance coverage. ATPE reserves the right to determine eligibility for the appropriate membership category. The membership year runs from August 1–July 31.
**Staff attorney services are provided separate from the Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program.