At The Capitol

At The Capitol
State and national advocacy
As Texas’ leading educators’ association, our advocacy efforts carry significant weight with lawmakers. We take your voice to the Capitol, expertly advocating for your priorities and rights at the state and national levels. ATPE’s experienced lobbyists focus only on issues affecting Texas public educators and students, not outside issues.

ATPE Member Advocate Program
ATPE-MAP participants will earn CPE credit, a new microcredential, and be eligible to participate in ATPE Capitol Expeditions during the legislative session.

Advocacy Blog
Follow the Teach the Vote advocacy blog for the latest Texas public education news and in-depth analysis from the ATPE Governmental Relations team.

Visit Teach the Vote for updates on developments at the Capitol and more information about how you can help advocate for public education.

Opportunities to Share Feedback
Periodically ATPE publicizes opportunities to provide feedback to state agencies or other entities or to participate in dissertation research being conduced by doctoral candidates in the field of education.
ATPE's 2025 Legislative Priorities
ATPE's priorities for the 89th Legislature and additional resources.
ATPE 2023 Legislative Wrap-Up
ATPE's comprehensive review of education bills in the 88th Texas legislative session.
ATPE 2021 Legislative Wrap-Up
ATPE's comprehensive review of education bills in the 87th Texas legislative session.