Region 11
Region 11 ATPE covers 7,843 square miles—making it larger than some states!—and is home to 76 school districts, 10 counties, 27 ATPE local units, and 16 public charter schools with 90 charter campuses. There are about 582,106 students with about 77,183 educational personnel.
At the 2022 ATPE Summit, Region 11 won the 2022 Davy Crockett Fund Raising Challenge for regions with less than 10,000. We meet three times a year and would love for any Region 11 ATPE member to join us at one of our events. Watch your email for details.
Our officers are available to answer your questions or if you need ideas for your local unit. Feel free to contact us. See the officers’ list here. In addition, Diane Pokluda is our regional membership specialist. Feel free to email her with your questions.
Marianne Eckley
Region 11 ATPE President
ATPE has 10 membership specialists who support our members and volunteers in their local communities across the state. You can use this interactive map to find and contact your membership specialist.
ATPE Member Benefits—For new membership opportunities and information.
ATPE Resources—For online professional development resources.
ATPE Protection—For legal assistance and information.
Teach the Vote—For information about our legislators and future candidates.