April 2015
Guest Post: Saving Students in Low-Performing Schools
Date Posted: 4/29/2015
The 84th Texas Legislature has been in session for a few months now, and once again the mantra regarding “school choice” is being chanted throughout the Capitol halls: “We have a moral responsibility to rescue students in low-performing schools.”
Guest Post: Organizing Your Week
Date Posted: 4/27/2015
Read teacher and professional organizer Allison Venuto’s tips for making your workweek more effective.
Guest Post: 14 vs 86—Are Texas Public Schools Failing?
Date Posted: 4/20/2015
The Senate Education Committee recently invited testimony from former US Senator Phil Gramm in favor of vouchers. Gramm said, “I am worried about an education system that doesn’t work. We know our system of public education is failing.”
Guest Post: Why ATPE Is the Best Professional Organization for Teachers
Date Posted: 4/19/2015
As I reflect on my 29 years as an educator, there are certain things I make a point of sharing with new teachers. One of those things is why all teachers should join a professional organization, and why it should be ATPE.
Classroom Costs Can Mean Tax Savings
Date Posted: 4/12/2015
The approach of April 15 can be stressful for Texas educators. At an already busy time of year, putting the time and effort into figuring out complicated tax forms and deductions can require a lot of work.
Working With English Language Learners
Date Posted: 4/09/2015
As ATPE News recently reported, there are more than 800,000 English language learners in Texas schools. Helping these students navigate a new language while they maintain a connection to their native culture can be both a challenge and a joy.
Guest Post: Why I Attend Summit
Date Posted: 4/01/2015
ATPE member Stephanie Stoebe attended her first summit in 2012 and was immediately hooked on the experience. Read her comments on what keeps her coming back.