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Educator Reading List

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 5/21/2015

In Summer 2014, Boerne Middle School South Principal Susan Cleveland attended the Leadership: An Evolving Vision conference at Harvard University. She came away with a list of books that can help educators stay current on all the latest education strategies and tactics that can help educators succeed on campus, and now, she has shared that list with ATPE! Enjoy!

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle

Mindset by Carol Dweck

Driven by Data by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo

Classroom Assessment and Grading That Work by Robert Marzano

The Power of Protocols by Joseph P. McDonald, Nancy Mohr, Alan Dichter, and Elizabeth C. McDonald

Teach Like a Champion by Doug Lemov

Peer Instruction by Eric Mazur

Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn by John Hattie and Gregory C. R. Yates

Drive by Daniel H. Pink

Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey

Visible Learners by Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Melissa Rivard, and Daniel Wilson