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Meet Your ATPE Board Members: Dale Lovett (Region 9)

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 10/14/2015

ATPE is proud to bring you this series of posts from your board members. The ATPE Board of Directors is made up of 20 regional members, who are elected by their constituents; four state officers, who are elected annually by the entire House of Delegates at the ATPE Summit; and the most recent state past president. Board members were sent questions via email, and their responses will be posted to the ATPE Blog in the order they were received. Today’s blog post is from Region 9 Director Dale Lovett.


I’ve served as president plus other offices of two local units where I’ve taught over the past 20+ years, and I’ve had other roles on the region, including serving on state ATPE committees on behalf of Region 9. Why get involved? Why serve on the state board? As with most of the leadership assignments I’ve had, I am involved because someone asked. Someone approached me and said, “We need this done, and you’d be great at it.” How do we recruit and include others in leadership? We ask!

The role as a member of the ATPE Board of Directors is very new and exciting to me, as I am just becoming aware of the scope of responsibilities. The thing to which I most look forward is working alongside others from a diverse and great state of educators. We have educators from large schools and small schools, city schools and rural schools, high schools and kindergartens, and all parts of Texas—north, south, east, west, central, and panhandle! As we collaborate on issues facing Texas educators, we learn so much about the needs and strengths of others. We also count our many blessings as we share the victories in a profession rich in rewards and successes—our students. These are the passions of teachers across the state that are woven into the fabric of ATPE.

Because we all tend to view everything from our perspective, our classroom, our area, it is important to bring to our region and local unit the views and ideas of our peers elsewhere. We can learn so much by sharing experiences from one region to another. Someone’s idea in another school is an answer to a need in our school. We have much to share and learn around the table with our ATPE family. I hope something I share in my role as an ATPE board member helps others around the state.

When I was growing up in my hometown, where I have returned to teach, my mentors told me, “Today you are soaking up the things we have to teach you and give to you. Later, you will need to squeeze that out so others may soak up what you have to teach and give.” I can give today because others gave before me. My richest blessing as a tenured teacher is seeing my students, as adults, giving back. On it goes.