
February 2017

Is Your Classroom Substitute Ready?

Date Posted: 2/27/2017

Being a substitute is not an easy job. For substitutes to be successful, they must feel confident and professional in the classroom. These seven tips will help you provide an easy transition for teachers, students, and substitutes.

Who Supports Vouchers?

Date Posted: 2/23/2017

A new UT/Texas Tribune poll asked Texans for their opinions on vouchers. You might be surprised by the results!

Meet Your ATPE Board Members: Jimmy Lee (Region 8)

Date Posted: 2/22/2017

ATPE is proud to bring you this series of posts from your board members. This month’s post is from Region 8 Director Jimmy Lee.

Get Fired Up to Join ATPE at the Capitol

Date Posted: 2/20/2017

Are you fired up? We are! And we certainly are and hope you are, too, because ATPE’s popular lobby day and political involvement training day is just around the corner. Hundreds of ATPE members from across the state will be making their way to Austin for this exciting event.

You Could Be a Presenter at the 2017 ATPE Summit!

Date Posted: 2/15/2017

Are you a lesson plan guru? Is your classroom management tip top? We want to know your secret! Share your skills with ATPE members at the 2017 ATPE Summit!

Six Things You Can Do to Improve Your Communication with Parents

Date Posted: 2/13/2017

Parents can be one of your greatest classroom allies. Make sure your communication with them stays positive throughout the year with these six simple tips for parent communication.

How You Could Lose Your ATPE Membership Benefits

Date Posted: 2/08/2017

Two new anti-educator bills are up for debate at the Capitol. These bills unfairly target teachers by attempting to restrict how educators pay dues to join professional associations, which lobby for your rights and your students’ rights at the Capitol.

Navigating the T-TESS, Part 4

Date Posted: 2/06/2017

Need help navigating Texas’s new teacher appraisal system? ATPE is here for you! We are happy to present this series of practical tips to help you prepare for the T-TESS.

Tell Texas Lawmakers What You Think

Date Posted: 2/01/2017

ATPE members are the best people to tell Texas lawmakers about what's going on in Texas schools. Make plans now to attend our lobby day and political involvement training event, ATPE at the Capitol, happening March 5-6, in Austin. The last day to register online TOMORROW, Feb. 3.