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Meet Your ATPE Board Members: Jimmy Lee (Region 8)

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 2/22/2017

ATPE is proud to bring you this series of posts from your board members. The ATPE Board of Directors is made up of 20 regional members, who are elected by their constituents; four state officers, who are elected annually by the entire House of Delegates at the ATPE Summit; and the most recent state past president. Board members were sent questions via email, and their responses will be posted to the ATPE Blog in the order they were received. Today’s post is from Region 8 Director Jimmy Lee.

How and why did you get involved in a leadership role at ATPE?

I got involved in ATPE years ago when I was asked to be a campus rep. From there, I started attending both local unit and regional meetings. I enjoy talking to teachers about ATPE and what it offers them as an educator. I quickly found after becoming a campus rep that our ATPE family of educators is a special group. Over the years, I moved into local leadership and regional leadership by serving on the board of trustees.

What is your favorite part of serving on the ATPE board?

My favorite part about serving on the board of directors is working side by side with fellow educators statewide to discuss and vote on policies and procedures that have an impact on this organization. I enjoy listening to the discussions we have at our board meetings. Even though we come from different locations across the state, we have many common goals. We are all proud of our profession and what we do, and will do what we can to help defend our, and our students’, rights. We are also proud of ATPE and what it represents, and are honored to be serving in this capacity. We know that our decisions have an impact on our membership, so we do what we can to carefully think through an issue before we move forward.

How has being on the board helped your region?

Being on the board has allowed my region to have a seat at the table. When it comes to voting on issues that may have an impact on my region, I vote the way they would want me to vote. We are a small region, but we are very active and involved at both the regional and state levels. I am both proud and honored to be their voice at the state level.

What advice would you give to others who might be interested in serving on the board?

I would advise anyone who has a desire to know more about ATPE to consider serving on the board. It is amazing to hear the good things our staff is doing for us. At the board level, you get to vote, discuss, and have an actual hand in the process of helping decide which policies and ideas are best for our members. It is a great experience.

Can you share something fun about yourself that our members might not know?

I am a very competitive person. If I play you in something as simple as a game of checkers, I am going to give it my all to win. In high school, I competed in baseball, football, and basketball. Early in my education career, I coached basketball and football—I loved it! Another fun fact—I am left handed. Keep your thoughts to yourself on this one... Some say this explains a lot about me—I beg to differ.