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The Texas Legislature Is in Full Gear!

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 2/06/2019

The 86th Texas Legislature is in full gear: priorities have been set, bills have been filed, and budgets have been proposed. Already, both the Texas Senate and House released their respective initial budget recommendations, both of which include increased funding for public education.

ATPE members can play a vital role in influencing lawmakers as the legislative session continues. From now until the session concludes in May—whether it’s through staying informed and spreading the word about education bills, or calling, writing, and visiting lawmakers—it’s vital to remain an active participant in the political process!

Here is a brief roundup of ATPE resources to stay informed and active.
  • Read our advocacy blog. For the most in-depth coverage of legislative and regulatory actions, plus breakdowns on the latest education news and analysis by ATPE’s lobbyists, read our advocacy blog at teachthevote.org/newsSign up to receive our Friday afternoon emails from Teach the Vote with each week’s highlights from the blog.
  • Follow us on Twitter. For breaking news and advocacy insights, keep up with our lobby team on Twitter @TeachTheVote.
  • Contact your legislators about important issues. Use ATPE’s members-only advocacy tool, Advocacy Central, to interact with your legislators by email, phone, or social media. Advocacy Central also provides talking points and allows you to track state and federal bills. See atpe.org/advocacy-central for more information.
  • Sign up for our weekly Texas Education Headlines newsletter. Get the latest and most impactful education headlines from Texas and the US delivered right to your inbox every week. The Texas Education Headlines e-newsletter is a digest of top education news. Sign up for the Texas Education Headlines newsletter here.
Don’t forget to share this list with your colleagues, friends, and family members! Make your voice heard!