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Raise Your Voice and Help Us Reach the Peak

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 3/29/2021

You’re an educator and ATPE member. You vote, you keep up with what’s happening at the Capitol by reading Teach the Vote, and you advocate for your profession. You know how to use your teacher voice. 

Your teacher voice commands attention. It conveys expertise. It exudes professionalism. It’s the voice you want the Texas Legislature to hear. Lawmakers listen to constituent calls, emails, and letters. They listen to votes. And they also listen to campaign donations. 

That’s why it’s critical for ATPE members to support the ATPE Political Action Committee (ATPE-PAC). When we pool our resources together, our voice becomes stronger. 

We’re asking you to raise your teacher voice and help us reach the peak. The 11th Annual PAC’s Peak Challenge is underway and runs through May 31. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for your ATPE-PAC. Remember: None of your dues dollars go to ATPE-PAC. In order to stay funded, ATPE-PAC depends solely on voluntary donations from ATPE members like you! 

You can amplify your teacher voice today by making a gift of any size (suggested: $10) today at atpepac.givesmart.com or by texting ATPEPAC to 76278

ATPE-PAC solicits contributions only from ATPE members, employees, and their families. Participation in ATPE-PAC is voluntary. Members can contribute any amount or nothing at all without affecting their ATPE membership status, rights, or benefits.