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Be a Voice for ATPE on Your Campus!

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 10/01/2021

You already understand and enjoy the value of ATPE membership. Whether you are enjoying the peace of mind knowing you have access to our legal resources* to protect your career or taking advantage of over 100 hours of on-demand continuing professional education and exclusive member discounts, you know firsthand the benefits of being a part of ATPE. Every educator deserves to experience these same benefits, which is why we are inviting you to help us grow ATPE by becoming a campus representative today!

Most educators join ATPE because a colleague, friend, or family member personally asks them to join. That’s probably your story, too. As a campus representative, you will share the advantages of membership with your colleagues by distributing flyers and brochures and asking them to join ATPE. That’s it! Very simple!

Plus, when you help ATPE grow, you can also earn money for yourself! For every new eligible member you recruit, you will receive $10 with ATPE's One New = $10 for You incentive program! (Make sure the new member lists you under “Recruited by” on their membership application.)

Campus reps work in districts with and without local units. ATPE provides the training, resources, and networks to ensure you can easily help grow the organization and truly make a difference in the lives of Texas educators and students.

For a more detailed description of the campus rep position, click here. And if you’re ready to get started, sign up here, or contact Volunteer Program Coordinator Anna Belle Burleson at volunteer@atpe.org for more information.


*Eligibility, terms, conditions, and limitations apply. Visit atpe.org/protection to view important disclosures and complete details of the insurance policy. Staff attorney services are provided separate from the Educators Professional Liability Insurance Program.