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Subscribe to ATPE State Bylaws Updates

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 1/19/2022

The 2021 ATPE House of Delegates (HOD) passed a major set of bylaws amendments that transferred authority for amending the ATPE State Bylaws from the HOD to the ATPE Board of Directors. The amendments included changes to the member notifications required whenever an amendment is proposed or adopted.

Article XVII, Section 3, of the ATPE State Bylaws states:

Section 3: Notice to Members

(a) Notice of Proposed Bylaws Amendments

The Association shall provide notice of any proposed bylaws amendment by providing a copy of the amendment to the Board of Directors and placing it on the Association’s website. This notice shall occur no later than the following business day on which the state office is open after the proposed amendment has been received by the Executive Director in accordance with Section 2.

(b) Notice of Adopted Bylaws Amendments

Following the adoption of any bylaws amendments, notice shall be placed on the Association’s website the next business day on which the state office is open and published in the first membership newsletter distributed after the Board of Directors meeting at which the amendment was adopted. A summary of bylaws amendments adopted by the Board of Directors shall be provided annually to the members in conjunction with the Association’s annual meeting.

To meet Section 3’s requirements, any announcements related to the State Bylaws will be posted at atpe.org/bylaws. This is a member-only page where you may also sign up to receive email notifications whenever a proposed amendment is posted or has been adopted.

Please direct any questions regarding the ATPE State Bylaws to bylaws@atpe.org.