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ATPE Board of Directors Amends State Bylaws

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 9/28/2022

The ATPE State Bylaws serve as the association’s primary governing document, outlining its structure and governance and providing for the hiring of an executive director to carry out day-to-day tasks.

Prior to July 2021, authority for amending the bylaws was assigned to the ATPE House of Delegates (HOD). In 2021, the HOD transferred that authority to the ATPE Board of Directors (BOD), aligning ATPE’s governance structure with the requirements of the Texas Business Organizations Code.

At its Sept. 23-24 meeting, the BOD adopted its first set of bylaws amendments since the authority to amend the bylaws fell under its purview. The 33 amendments were submitted by Immediate Past State President Karen Hames and are the product of a yearlong review by the board’s Policy Committee. The committee worked with ATPE’s professional parliamentarian and staff to identify amendments needed to make technical corrections, clarify intent, and clean up outdated language. Few of the amendments were substantive in nature. ATPE members may log in to atpe.org/bylaws to review the amended language with rationales.

Download the current ATPE State Bylaws (PDF)

As a reminder, ATPE members may also log in to atpe.org/bylaws to sign up to receive an email notification any time a bylaws amendment is proposed or adopted.