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Attend the Boot Vouchers 2023 Rally Oct. 7 at the State Capitol

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 9/07/2023

Word on the street is that a special session on private school vouchers will begin in early October. To reinforce what legislators saw in hearings and heard from constituents throughout the legislative session—that Texans are strongly against taxpayer-funded vouchers, which means taking funding from public schools and diverting it to private schools without accountability—the grassroots organization Texans for Public Education (T4PE) is hosting a rally at the State Capitol from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 7.

ATPE is doing our part to support this T4PE effort by spreading the word to our members. If you plan to attend, we would like to know so that we can help T4PE, which will be staffing the event, anticipate how many folks to plan for. Please log in to Advocacy Central and RSVP for the event to let us know. Further information about the rally can be found at www.texansforpubliceducation.com/rally2023, including parking information, suggestions about signage and attire, and more.

If you are unable to attend, please send a message to your elected officials using Advocacy Central to share  your opposition to vouchers.