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Discover the Enhanced ATPE Professional Learning Portal!

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 7/18/2024

We are thrilled to introduce the all-new ATPE Professional Learning Portal (PLP), designed exclusively for you as a valuable member benefit. At ATPE, we are dedicated to helping you re-claim professional development by giving you voice and choice in your learning. Our revitalized PLP offers a seamless experience to help you achieve both your personal and professional goals. Gain access to a wealth of on-demand learning resources anytime, anywhere.

Explore our extensive course catalog, tailored to meet your unique interests, and easily track all of your continuing professional education (CPE) hours from any provider in one convenient place. Whether you're in an educator preparation program, actively in the classroom, or supporting fellow educators and students, our PLP has what you need.

Take the first step today! Login to the PLP now using your ATPE member username and password!

Not an ATPE member? Request guest access to preview a limited number of courses.

Upon logging in, click on the “Getting Started” button for a guided tour, browse our categories, and enroll in a course that aligns with your professional journey. Stay tuned as we continually update our offerings to provide you with new learning opportunities and resources relevant to Texas educators.

We welcome your feedback and questions! You can email us at prof_dev@atpe.org.