Maximize Your Professional Potential: Earn 7 CPE Hours in Dallas!

Date Posted: 5/30/2024
Attending the 2024 ATPE Summit (July 8–10 at the Sheraton Dallas) is your ticket to earning up to seven hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credit. Just like the Texas State Fair, this year’s event promises to be lively and full of opportunities for professional growth and networking!
The registration for the ATPE Summit is $225 through June 7 and includes access to the CPE opportunities outlined below, as well as volunteer leader training sessions and two grab-and-go breakfasts.
How to Earn 7 CPE hours at the Summit
Monday, July 8:
Start with the Opening Keynote from Leadership Expert Alyson Van Hooser, who will inspire you with her story of the teacher who changed her life. (1 hour CPE)
Tuesday, July 9:
Kick off your morning with an Advocacy Update from ATPE’s professional lobby team! As we look ahead to the general election in November and the 89th Legislature, how can ATPE members fight for their students and inspire their colleagues to stay engaged? (1 hour CPE)
Make your voice heard in the ATPE House of Delegates! See ATPE’s member-governed philosophy come to life during the annual ATPE House of Delegates (HOD) meeting, when certified member delegates from across the state will elect our 2024-25 state officers and adopt the latest version of the ATPE Legislative Program—the member-written document that guides all of ATPE’s advocacy for public educators. (2 hrs. CPE)
Wednesday July 10:
Choose from 21 diverse professional development sessions! Topics ranging from technology and AI to campus culture and everything in between means you’re sure to find sessions that align with your goals and interests. With an opportunity to attend two one-hour sessions, you can add two more CPE hours to your tally! (2 hours CPE)
End with inspiration from Closing Keynote Speaker and co-founder of the Ron Clark Academy, Kim Bearden! (1 hour CPE)
Not registered? No problem! Simply visit to register for the event. Visit for more information.