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Gen ATPE Webinar: End-of-Year Essentials

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 4/30/2024

Ready to end the school year like a pro? Join ATPE at 6 p.m. CDT May 16 for this exclusive webinar designed just for you! Gain essential strategies to close out your classroom and set the stage for a successful transition into the next year.

🌟 Tips & Tools: Get practical tips on closing out your classroom and completing tasks!

💡 Insights: Learn how to leverage student feedback to enhance your teaching practice.

🔍 Reflection and Growth: Take time to reflect on your strengths and areas for improvement with our self-assessment tool.

This ATPE event is open to all ATPE members, and live webinar attendees will earn one hour of continuing professional education (CPE) credit.

Register Now