The ATPE Podcast: Legislative Priorities

Date Posted: 1/12/2023
Throughout the 88th legislative session, lawmakers will determine how our state budget is spent for the next two years, and ATPE lobbyists will be working hard to shape public education policy to benefit our members and their students. As the voice of educators at the Capitol, ATPE’s goal is to educate lawmakers on your priorities and support your interests.
This session, we expect vouchers and privatization to be a prominent issue, and educators will need to come together with a strong, unified voice to oppose bills that would siphon money from public schools. Other concerns, such as staffing and compensation, retirement benefits, and school safety, are top of mind for Texas educators, and our lobbyists are advocating at the Capitol to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear.
In this episode of The ATPE Podcast, we ask ATPE Governmental Relations Director Monty Exter and Senior Lobbyist Mark Wiggins to break down the issues facing public education today and how ATPE is protecting your interests this session.