A-F accountability ratings are cause for pride in our Texas public school community
Aug. 15, 2022: ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes offers the following statement on the 2022 A-F accountability ratings.
ATPE Executive Director: Expansion of Teacher Vacancy Task Force Shows TEA Is Listening to Our Concerns
March 16, 2022: Statement from ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes on the expansion of the Teacher Vacancy Task Force.
ATPE Executive Director: Funding Flexibility a Welcome Announcement for School Districts
March 29, 2022: Largest educator association in Texas has been advocating for this type of consideration all school year.
ATPE Signs on to Amicus Brief in Case of Abbott v. Doe
Sept. 2, 2022: Largest Educator Association in Texas Urges Court to Consider Effect Its Ruling Will Have on Legal Duty to Report Child Abuse.
ATPE statement on Gov. Greg Abbott’s May 9 campaign remarks on “school funding following the student”
May 10, 2022: Statement from ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes re: May 9 campaign remarks from Gov. Greg Abbott on school funding following the student.
ATPE Statement on Governor’s Request for Special Legislative Committees to Address School Safety and Mass Violence
June 2, 2022: Largest educator association in Texas urges lawmakers to put politics aside.
ATPE Statement on Lt. Gov. Patrick’s Legislative Priorities
Nov. 30, 2022: Largest educator association in Texas urges legislators to engage public educators as they turn big concepts into bills.
ATPE Statement on New TEA “Chief of School Safety and Security” Position
June 9, 2022: An appointed agency position will bring needed coordination, but its impact will be driven by the policies it is directed to implement.
ATPE Statement on Shooting at Uvalde CISD’s Robb Elementary School
May 24, 2022: ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes offers this statement following the fatalities resulting from an active shooting incident in Uvalde.
ATPE Statement on Special Education Funding Commission’s Legislative Recommendations
Dec. 16, 2022: Largest Educator Association in Texas Reiterates Opposition to Vouchers in Any Form and Reminds Lawmakers of the Protections Provided to Students with Special Needs in a Public Education Setting.
ATPE: Governor’s “Parental Bill of Rights” Wouldn’t Give Parents Any New Rights
Jan. 21, 2022: Largest educator association in Texas implores voters to ignore political grandstanding and remember personal experiences with the schools at the center of Texas communities.
Don’t Florida Our Texas, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
April 5, 2022: Statement from ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes on campaign proposal from Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick for Florida-style parental rights legislation.
Public Servants to Visit Capitol Dec. 14 to Exhort Congress to Act on Social Security WEP Reform Before Congress Ends
Dec. 8, 2022: Leadership change, retirement of ranking member Brady mean the clock is ticking on potential for bipartisan change.
SBOE Decision to Delay Social Studies TEKS Revision Disrespectful to Educators
Sept. 2, 2022: ATPE Executive Director Shannon Holmes provides the following statement regarding the SBOE decision to delay the larger overhaul of the Social Studies TEKS to 2025.
Use of COVID-19 relief funds to offset rising health insurance costs welcome news
April 28, 2022: Largest educator association in Texas thanks TRS and state leaders for this decision.
WEP Reform Now! It’s Time to Cut a Deal
March 16, 2022: Texas public educators and retirees join with Massachusetts retirees to push Social Security compromise.