ATPE News Fall 2017
In this issue of ATPE News, we explore six field trip destinations across the state and talk about the importance of failure with educational speaker and consultant Dr. Adolph Brown. ATPE staff attorney Jennifer Gordon discusses a new law that tightens regulations on student-teacher relationships, member Tracy Eggers shares her thoughts on standardized testing, and ATPE Governmental Relations Director Jennifer Canaday talks about how Texas educators can make a difference in the 2018 primary elections. Plus, ATPE members share their tips on getting parents to participate in the classroom.A Field Guide to Field Trips
Dig in, dive in, and discover these six diverse destinations across Texas.
Making Parents Your Partner in the Classroom
ATPE members share their top tips for helping parents stay engaged in the classroom.
Relationships Worth Fighting For
Dr. Adolph Brown discusses life, teaching, and the importance of failure.
The Tornadic Effect of Standardized Testing
How Standardized Testing Affects Schools, Teachers, and Students, and What We Can Do about It
President's Message
Every year, I walk away from our annual summit feeling revitalized by the energy of our members. I love seeing your passion—it’s clear we all care deeply about our students, our schools, and our organization.
New Law Tightens Regulations on Teacher-Student Relationships
Already signed by the governor, SB7 strengthens existing laws against inappropriate teacher-student relationships and creates new penalties for administrators who do not appropriately report allegations.
Don’t Get Mad. Get Busy.
Texas educators are a million strong and can make a stupendous statement in the 2018 primary elections if we stand together for public education.