ATPE News Fall 2022
- No. 1

Seguin ISD, Community Rally Behind Fine Arts Programs
Take a look at what fuels the success of Seguin ISD’s historic music education program.

Investing in the Future: A Winning Strategy for Mentoring and Retaining Quality Teachers
What is the secret to mentoring success in Gilmer ISD? Here's what makes the district's Invest Mentoring program unique.

Culture Wars Besiege Public Schools: Is There an Underlying Motive for All of the Finger-Pointing?
Public schools have become targets for a nationwide culture war as voucher proponents use wedge issues to drum up support for anti-public education legislation.

The Writing on the Wall: Reflections on Uvalde and a Growing Mental Health Crisis in Our Schools
In the wake of COVID-19 and the tragic shooting in Uvalde, we explore how students, educators, and their families are experiencing an unprecedented amount of trauma.

In Your Neighborhood: ATPE Stories from Your Communities
Join us as we visit ATPE “neighborhoods” all over Texas to get an inside look at what volunteers are doing to recruit, retain, and rejoice with their fellow ATPE members.

Have You Been Threatened? Know Your Rights
Your Ally
We sometimes hear from educators who want to know their rights when they feel they have been threatened. What can or should be done in response?

Public Education is Ailing, and Your Vote is the Medicine
Your Voice
Public education is currently swirling in a vat of hot topics. Here's why a culture of voting among educators is crucial.

Volunteer Spotlight: Antonio Mercado, Edinburg ISD
Volunteer Spotlight
In this ongoing ATPE News series, we spotlight volunteers who set a great example of service to their fellow educators.