ATPE News Spring 2017
In this issue of ATPE News, we discuss what the legislature is doing to silence educators’ voices, and what YOU can do to stand up for your rights. We also share the story of one school district that is bringing social emotional learning into the classroom and take a look at some mindfulness activities for students. Also, State Representative Diego Bernal discusses what he learned when he met with teachers across his district, and we catch up with a Chess champion in Brownsville.A Culture of Caring
Austin educators are teaching (and modeling) emotional competency in the classroom.
Stand Up for Your Rights this Legislative Session
A child of poverty, raised in the remotest corner of the Texas Hill Country, Lyndon Johnson was one of just five classroom teachers to rise to the office of president of the United States. Little surprise, then, that some of his best advice was delivered in terms even the most hard-headed youngster could easily understand.
What Is REALLY Going on with Payroll Deduction?
If you have been reading about education issues in the legislature, you likely know that there is a multi-pronged attack on public education, including offensives toward again cutting important educator protections and siphoning off resources to non-accountable private schools in the name of “choice.” The final prong is a direct assault on those who defend public education—educator groups like ATPE.
Mindfulness Strategies for the Classroom
It’s no secret that teachers have a lot to accomplish every day. Integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into class routines provides students with valuable life skills and can help make learning more efficient.
Six Ways We Are Just Like Our Students
Just about the time I’m about to grumble over something seemingly foolish my students are doing, I feel an overwhelming sense of conviction. “Are you really any different?” my conscience asks. I am convinced that we teachers are more like our students than we are different. Accepting this humbling truth can help us reframe and approach challenges with a positive attitude.