President’s Message

Can you believe we’re in the final few months of the school year already? I hope the year has been productive and positive for you and your students.
Here at ATPE, we’ve certainly had a busy year. We’ve been working hard to secure new services and discounts for our members and prepare for the upcoming elections. And, of course, we wrapped up another successful membership campaign! Thank you to our volunteers for once again giving us your all this year. We could not do it without you.
In this issue of ATPE News, you’ll find tips for new educators. For those of you who are new to the profession, I hope you find this advice meaningful. And for those of you who are experienced educators, I hope you’ll take the time to consider what advice you could offer to incoming teachers. Could you reach out to a new teacher at your school? Is there a university ATPE local unit you could lend your support to? Mentoring is key to acclimating new teachers to the profession and providing our students with the best experience possible.
For those of you who are veteran ATPE members as well as accomplished educators, I ask you to take a look at your fellow ATPE members to see if there are any emerging leaders among them. Would any of your local unit’s newer members make good leaders someday? Could you support them on this journey? Taking on a new leadership position can be scary, but having the guidance and support of someone who has been there before makes it much more manageable.
Our strength has always been in our numbers and our passion—and always will be. It’s these strengths that can power positive change in this state: at the polls and in the Capitol, in the hallways of our schools and the seats of our buses, and around the neighborhoods of our communities. By supporting each other, we help our colleagues, students, schools, and communities thrive. And, ultimately, we thrive as well.
Carl Garner
ATPE State President