ATPE News Spring 2021
- No. 3
In This Issue
Our Spring 2021 issue includes three extra-large feature packages. In our cover story, we dive into the world of “teacher TikTok.”

Teachers Taking Over TikTok
As an emerging social media platform, TikTok has stolen the world’s gaze. Discover how educators are using this platform and creating “teacher TikTok.”

The Real World: Community ISD CTE Program Teaches Students Skills for Workplace Success
Find out how one Texas school district expanded their career and technical education program to 11 pathways in under three years.

Finding Connections During a Time of Loss
Several clinicians and public health professionals spoke with ATPE about the toll COVID-19 is taking on students’ and educators’ mental health.

The Numbers Behind an Impossible Situation
Special Section
Educators find themselves in an impossible situation as COVID-19 continues to ravage the state of Texas. ATPE conducted various surveys and compiled a snapshot of the most compelling responses.

The Last Resort: Resignation Due to COVID-19 Concerns
Your Ally
What you need to know about resignations and contract releases.

Students and Educators Need More Help. ATPE Is Asking the State for It.
Understand why ATPE is asking the state to prioritize school funding issues in light of COVID-19.

Homebound Instruction During a Global Pandemic
Members Speak
Arlington ATPE member Stephanie Hudson writes about the realities of homebound instruction during the pandemic.