ATPE News Summer 2020
- No. 4
In This Issue
Read how Texas educators taught, fed, and connected with their students during the pandemic.

Combating Coronavirus with Compassion and Grit
Read how Texas educators taught, fed, and connected with their students during an unprecedented pandemic.

You Cannot Be What You Cannot See: Girls Who Code Aims to Close the Tech Gender Gap
Learn how the organization Girls Who Code aims to close the tech gender gap.

Celebrating 40 Years of ATPE
From now until April 1, 2021, ATPE will be celebrating its 40-year history, its accomplishments, and you, its members.

Director's Message
There’s no way around it: The coronavirus upended the spring semester and possibly our summer, too.

Key Takeaways from Distance Learning
Your Ally
Find out some of the main takeaways from distance learning in our legal column.

Federal Advocacy in the Time of the Coronavirus
ATPE’s contract lobbyist in Washington, D.C., provides an update on public education at the federal level.

No Unseen Thief Will Steal Our Ability to Serve Our Students
Members Speak
ATPE Past State President and Millsap ISD Superintendent Deann Lee shares what it’s been like to lead her district during the coronavirus pandemic.

Practicing Good Sleep Hygiene
Brain Break
Following these tips could help you get restful sleep.