Your first year(s) in the classroom are never easy, and Texas’ newest generation of educators needs unique opportunities to learn from and network with each other. That’s the idea behind our newest member program, Gen ATPE, which provides unique educational and networking opportunities for ATPE members ages 30 or younger. No additional application or membership fee is required. To receive information on Gen ATPE opportunities, just make sure your correct birthdate is on file in your member profile.
The ATPE Professional Learning Portal

Members can access over 100 on-demand, interactive courses or webinars anytime and from anywhere! Explore our diverse course catalog and easily track all your continuing professional education (CPE) hours from any provider in one convenient place.
The ATPE Online Community

We know firsthand the value of a true professional network, and every educator deserves that opportunity. The ATPE Online Community provides every Texas educator, regardless of location, campus size, or content area, a place to share knowledge and receive support. Join the conversation to ensure you have the networking and mentorship opportunities necessary to not merely survive but also thrive in your career!