At The Capitol

Advocacy Central
Your Member Connection to the Capitol
Welcome to Advocacy Central, your one stop to understand and influence public education laws and policies. ATPE works collaboratively to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to receive an exemplary public education, and our advocacy programs equip ATPE members with tools necessary to make that vision a reality. We have a team of dedicated lobbyists who work around the clock in Austin and Washington DC looking out for the interests of students and the hardworking education professionals who shape their futures. But the most effective lobbyist is you! Through Advocacy Central, you can add your voice to our efforts and help us drive positive change for public education.
Click on the links below to learn more about top education issues, track legislation, connect with your elected officials, and let your voice be heard. With your help, ATPE will remain the leading advocate for Texas public education and a powerful ally for educators, students, and parents.