In the Classroom

First Day of School Checklist
Classroom preparation
▢ Seating chart
▢ Audiovisual equipment
▢ Bulletin boards
Instructional materials
▢ Curriculum guides
▢ Lesson plans and grade book/program
▢ Technology tools
▢ Student textbooks and teacher editions
Management preparations
▢ Name, desk, and bus tags (if applicable)
▢ Attendance forms/program
▢ Campus/district discipline policy
▢ Phone/device policy
▢ Student background information
▢ Letter or email to parents
▢ Information about Class Dojo, Remind, etc. (if applicable)
Planning for instruction
▢ A list of first-day activities
▢ Class rules and procedures
▢ Supplies
▢ Lunch count and meal tickets (if applicable)
▢ Cafeteria and library procedures (if applicable)
▢ Fire drill procedures
▢ Emergency lockdown drill procedures
▢ Arrival and dismissal practices
▢ Instructional materials and classroom management tips for a substitute in case you’re absent