ATPE News Spring 2018
In this issue of ATPE News, we go behind the scenes at one school’s CTE campus to learn how these programs help prepare students for life after high school. We also introduce you to education reporter Aliyya Swaby, who shares what it’s like to cover the biggest issues facing Texas public schools. ATPE member Katie Landaverde discusses the pros and cons of alternative certification, special education teacher Cindi Fields explains how standardized testing affects our most vulnerable students, and ATPE Managing Attorney Paul Tapp explains how your leave works. Also--your students are worth more than campaign soundbites! ATPE Governmental Relations Director Jennifer Canaday shares what you can do to effect real change this election year. Plus, veteran educators to share their words of wisdom for new teachers.
All Sides: Telling the Story of Public Education
Education reporter Aliyya Swaby discusses the biggest issues facing Texas public schools.

Seeking an Alternative Path
Alternative certification has become one of the most popular pathways to the classroom. What does this mean for teachers, schools, and students?

New Directions: Rethinking Career and Technical Education
Career and technical education programs are flourishing in Texas. We go behind the scenes at one school’s CTE campus to learn how these programs help prepare students for life after high school.
School-University Collaboration Offers Expansive Learning
The informal learning clubs sponsored by UTSA’s Academy for Teacher Excellence use a community-of-learners approach to encourage experimentation in learning and teaching.
Words of Wisdom for New Teachers
If you feel a few butterflies when you think about entering the classroom for the first time next fall, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Whether you are a recent university graduate or have just completed an alternative certification program, here are a few tips to get you started on the right path.
STAAR: One Size Does Not Fit All
A special education teacher shares how standardized testing affects our most vulnerable students.
President’s Message
Our strength has always been in our numbers and our passion—and always will be. It’s these strengths that can power positive change in this state: at the polls and in the Capitol, in the hallways of our schools and the seats of our buses, and around the neighborhoods of our communities.
Your Leave, Explained
ATPE’s managing attorney explains what you need to know about your school leave.
Students Deserve More Than Campaign Sound Bites
Your students deserve more than political soundbites. What can you do to effect real change?