ATPE News Winter 2020
- No. 2
In This Issue
In our main feature, two families explain the thinking that led them down two different paths for the 2020-21 school year.

A Tale of Two Kindergartners
Anthony and Barrett were both poised to start kindergarten at their neighborhood schools this fall. Then COVID-19 hit. Their parents explain the thinking that led them down two very different paths.

The Zoom Legislature: ATPE Prepares for a Session Unlike Any Other
As we approach the 87th Texas Legislature, we only know one thing for sure: This session will not look like anything we’ve experienced before.

A Hot Spot for Connectivity Problems
Learn how individuals and organizations across the state are doing their part to close the digital gap.

Staying Involved Beyond Your Vote
No matter how you feel about the election results, there are many ways to continue making a difference and ensure your voice is heard on important issues facing Texas public education.

Who’s Really Calling the Shots?
Special Section
The Texas education community continues to confront COVID-19 head-on. Who is making all the decisions?

Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technology for Education
Special Section
University of Texas scholars delve into augmented reality (AR) opportunities available to educators.

Zoom: Not as Scary as It Might Seem
Your Ally
Get answers to some of the most common questions about the legality and best practices surrounding remote-instruction platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet.

How COVID-19 Safety Procedures Helped Shift Campus Culture at One Texas School
ATPE member Jennifer Orona of Rice CISD shares insights about her school’s experience with face-to-face instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teacher Feedback Makes the World Go ’Round
Understand how your feedback helps ATPE and policymakers learn more about your experiences and concerns—and how that shapes policy.

How to Get Cozy This Winter
Brain Break
As the calendar turns to winter and the days grow shorter and colder (by Texas standards, anyway), it is common for people to experience the winter blues. Here are some ways to overcome those feelings