2023 ATPE Summit: Choose Your Own Adventure
2023 ATPE Summit: Choose Your Own Adventure
July 10–12 | Kalahari Resorts and Conventions | Round Rock

Embark on new ATPE adventures during the 2023 ATPE Summit at Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Round Rock. This is a summertime safari like no other.
What’s in store?
Earn up to 7 hours of CPE
Learn from leading educators. Our keynote speakers are Monica Genta, author of five books including Game Changers, 180 Days of Awesome, and The Rooted Classroom, and Jim “The Rookie” Morris, the high school teacher who became a major league pitcher in three months and inspired the movie The Rookie. Plus, we'll offer a curated selection of breakout continuing professional education (CPE) sessions presented by ATPE members and our professional learning partners.
Mix and mingle
End your first day at the summit with a special evening outside under the stars. Join your fellow ATPE members Monday evening to enjoy appetizers and desserts and dance the night away at the charming Kalahari Event Barn.
Make your voice heard in the House of Delegates
Participate in ATPE’s governance process. Delegates will elect the 2023-24 state officers and shape ATPE’s legislative priorities for the coming year. Reports from the 2022-23 ATPE Legislative and Resolutions committees will be posted at atpesummit.org by May 15.
Enhance your volunteer leadership skills
Choose from a variety of volunteer training breakouts ranging from make-and-take sessions to closer looks at school board advocacy and local unit and region public relations. Our university attendees will have the opportunity to hear strategies for a successful first year in the classroom, and Leadership ATPE alumni will share how their experience in this prestigious program has helped them grow as leaders on campus and in ATPE.
Explore what Kalahari has to offer
Splash into fun during your free time. The resort features America’s largest indoor waterpark, themed escape rooms, and 80,000 square feet of attractions and activities at Tom Foolery’s Adventure Park!
How to attend
Per the ATPE State Bylaws, only local unit or region presidents are eligible to register and certify delegates for the summit. The deadline for presidents to certify delegates is June 9, but your local unit or region may have earlier deadlines for filling its delegate slots or allotting financial assistance. Please contact your local unit president to attend. If you are a current member but don’t belong to an active ATPE local unit, please contact your region president if you are interested in attending. Region presidents must register and certify at-large members. If you are unsure who your region president is or are having difficulty reaching your president, please email ATPE’s volunteer program coordinator at volunteer@atpe.org.
The registration fee is $225 until June 9; after that date, it increases to $235. The fee includes access to all general sessions, professional learning breakouts, volunteer training sessions, and the House of Delegates. The Monday evening reception is $60 per ticket; visit atpesummit.org for details.
Hotel Reservations
Reserve your room at Kalahari Resorts and Conventions by June 9 through the housing link at atpesummit.org/housingreservations. Please do not contact the hotel directly. The room rate is $240 plus tax per night (for up to four people) and is inclusive of a $10 resort fee. You may add a fifth and sixth guest to your room reservation for an additional $50 per added guest.
The resort fee includes waterpark access during your stay; high-speed wireless internet in guest rooms, public space, and meeting space; expanded selection of TV channels in high definition; complimentary room safes; complimentary self-parking; complimentary local, calling card, and toll-free telephone calls; a complimentary fitness center; complimentary life jackets in the waterpark; and daily family activities.
Meet our keynote speakers
Opening Keynote: “180 Days of Awesome” with Monica Genta
Monica Genta’s goal is to transform teachers, leaders, and schools from seeing education as an ordinary job into an extraordinary adventure. Genta feels every person who walks into a school deserves to love their experience! She is a believer in finding awesome and celebrating life every day. Genta is a classroom teacher of 14 years and the author of five books, including Game Changers, 180 Days of Awesome, and The Rooted Classroom. Monica will do a book signing immediately following her presentation.
Closing Keynote: “Remember Who You Are” with Jim “The Rookie” Morris
Jim Morris’ Cinderella story serves as testimony to the power of dreams and their ability to inspire and transform human life. His meteoric rise from 35-year-old high school teacher to flame-throwing major league pitcher in three months made cinematic history with the release of The Rookie starring Dennis Quaid. Jim will share the importance of integrity and personal authenticity in all circumstances—both when others are watching and when they are not. Using his personal story as an example, Jim will share the principle of keeping your promises and the value of being a person of your word. Jim will do a book signing immediately following his presentation.
Jim Morris’ appearance arranged through Gotham Artists
2023 ATPE House of Delegates
ATPE members from across the state will convene as the ATPE House of Delegates (HOD) July 11 during the ATPE Summit. Delegates will elect the 2023-24 state officers, vote on any proposed new business, and approve the ATPE Legislative Program.
Please visit atpesummit.org to review the reports of the 2022-23 ATPE Legislative and Resolutions committees. If you have any questions, please reach out to your region president or region director. Find contact information for your region president at atpe.org/find-atpe and your region director at atpe.org/board-of-directors.
Your ATPE state officer candidates
The 2023-24 state officer candidates will deliver speeches outlining their skills, backgrounds, qualifications, and philosophies beginning at 9:45 a.m. July 11 during the House of Delegates Meeting. Delegates will cast their votes electronically between 11 a.m.–2 p.m. the same day. Only certified delegates may vote.
Get to know the candidates online
All state officer candidates have the opportunity to create short videos about their qualifications and vision for state officer service. Any submitted candidate videos will be posted at atpesummit.org/candidates by June 1.
Jayne Serna
ATPE leadership experience:
State vice president, secretary, and treasurer; chair of the board Finance Committee; member of the ad hoc committees on Governance, Region Governance, and Association Structure; member of Educators Professional Liability and Employment Rights, Member Services, Resolutions, and Volunteer Advisory committees; Region 13 director, president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and past president; Leander ATPE president, membership committee chair, and campus representative
ATPE recognition:
Secondary Teacher of the Year; William B. Travis honoree; Stephen F. Austin honoree; ATPE-PAC Statesman; Ben Shilcutt Plus Club
Current position:
Adjunct professor of history at Austin Community College
Other leadership experience:
Member of the TEA/SBEC/T-TESS Classroom Teacher Standards Advisory and the TEA STAAR/EOC U.S. History Item Review committees; member of the Curriculum Development Committee for Leander ISD Social Studies; member of the site-based improvement committee for Leander High School; member of the City of Leander Bond Advisory and Comprehensive Plan Advisory committees; president and secretary of Leander Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; co-founder and president of Leander FC, a 600-plus player 501(c)(3) youth sports organization; and worship team member (keyboards and vocals), Hope Bible Fellowship, Round Rock
Years in ATPE:
Years in education:
Vice President
Jason Forbis
ATPE leadership experience:
State secretary and treasurer; chair of board Finance and Membership committees; chair of state ATPE Political Action, Legislative, and Professional Rights & Responsibilities committees; member of state Membership and Resolutions committees and Board of Directors Ad Hoc Committee on Fund Balances; member of Ad Hoc Committee on Association Governance; vice president of ATPE Foundation board; Region 12 director, president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and past president; chairman of the Region 12 Scholarship Committee; Midway (12) ATPE president, membership chair, treasurer, and campus representative; Waco ATPE president, vice president, secretary, campus representative, and scholarship committee chair
ATPE recognition:
Region 12 Elementary Educator of the Year; Stephen F. Austin honoree; William B. Travis honoree; Ben Shilcutt Plus Club; ATPE-PAC Statesman; officer of Green Apple award-winning local unit
Current position:
First grade teacher in Midway (12) ISD
Other leadership experience:
Member of the MISD (12) Superintendent’s Spirit of Communication Council; Baylor University student teacher mentor; MISD (12) campus and district UIL coordinator; UIL campus coach; 2008 TEA state committee member; district science committee member, professional development presenter in MISD (12); coordinator of food drive for the Hunger Free MISD Program; member of First Baptist Woodway; certified pharmacy technician at H-E-B
Years in ATPE:
Years in education:
Jerrica Liggins
ATPE leadership experience:
State treasurer; chair of board Finance Committee; chair of state Leadership and Nomination/ Election committees; member of Educator of the Year, Legislative, and Membership committees; Region 8 president, secretary, treasurer, and past president; Region 10 secretary; Paris ATPE president, secretary, and campus representative; Cooper Bulldogs ATPE founder and president; ATPE at the Capitol panelist; inaugural class of Leadership ATPE; membership campaign representative
ATPE recognition:
Stephen F. Austin honoree, William B. Travis honoree, ATPE-PAC Statesman
Current position:
Secondary education director at Paris ISD
Other leadership experience:
District UIL, county spelling bee, and CCMR coordinator; districtwide action and District of Innovation committee member; secondary campus needs assessment resource officer; professional learning communities mediator; HB 3 board goals and HB 4545 planning committee member; secondary academic advisor; mentor teacher; administrator mentor; CHAMPion mentor; YoungLife Lamar County mentor; Paris Downtown Food Pantry board member; Lamar County United Way campaign chair; Paris Debutante Scholarship Committee member; Teacher of the Year nominee, selection committee member; Mesquite ISD Excellence in Teaching Incentive Program; student council sponsor; cheer coach; political campaign volunteer; conference turn-around trainer: TCWSE, Texas ASCD, TASBE, and TASSP; superintendent certification; deaconess, usher and youth leader assistant at Paris New Generation Baptist Church
Years in ATPE:
Years in education:
Eli Rodriguez
ATPE leadership experience:
Region 4 director, secretary, treasurer, vice president, president, and past president; chair of board Membership & Volunteer and Advocacy committees; Cypress-Fairbanks ATPE president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and past president; Mesquite ATPE secretary, treasurer, and president-elect; chair of the Educator of the Year Committee; member of the state Bylaws, Resolutions, Advocacy, Nomination/Election, and Executive Director Search committees; campus rep; summit presenter
ATPE recognition:
President of a Local Unit of the Year Award-winning local unit; ATPE-PAC Statesman; Ann and Bill Crockett Advocacy Award winner
Current position:
Seventh grade English/language arts educator
Other leadership experience:
Cypress Assistance Ministry GED teacher and CAM ESL substitute; campus representative for Professional Services Personnel committee; District-Wide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) campus representative
Years in ATPE:
Years in education:
Shane Whitten
ATPE leadership experience:
Chair and member of board Policy Committee; member of board Finance Committee; chair of state Bylaws Committee; member of state ATPE Political Action Legislative committees; member of ad hoc committees on Governance and Association Structure; Region 16 director, president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer; Amarillo ATPE campus representative
ATPE recognition:
Stephen F. Austin honoree; William B. Travis honoree; ATPE-PAC Statesman
Current position:
Assistant principal in Amarillo ISD
Other leadership experience:
Member of Amarillo ISD Teacher of the Year and Benefits committees; Amarillo ISD mentor; United Way Community Investment Committee; music minister, Hillcrest Baptist Church
Years in ATPE:
Years in education: