TEA takes immediate steps to shorten STAAR tests in grades 3-8
October 16, 2015: Today, Commissioner of Education Michael Williams sent a letter to Texas superintendents detailing measures that will decrease the length of various STAAR tests this year.
ATPE weighs in on vote to change superintendent certification requirements
October 16, 2015: A revised rule adopted today by a vote of six to four will make it easier for some non-traditional candidates to become certified as superintendents.
Texas education commissioner announces intent to step down
October 15, 2015: This morning, the Commissioner of Education formally advised Governor Abbott of his intent to step down effective January 1, 2016.
ATPE opposes change to superintendent certification rule, SBEC to make final vote Friday
October 13, 2015: ATPE has submitted formal comments opposing the controversial plan on behalf of our more than 100,000 educator members.
School finance case goes to Texas Supreme Court tomorrow
August 31, 2015: A lawsuit that challenges how Texas pays for its public schools will reach the Texas Supreme Court tomorrow.
ATPE weighs in on completion of 84th legislative session
June 2, 2015: ATPE Executive Director Gary Godsey weighs in on the completion of the 84th regular legislative session.
ATPE supports Senate Bill 1303
April 30, 2015: ATPE would like to applaud Senator Jose Menendez for supporting teacher pay raises through Senate Bill 1303. Today, Rep. Menendez held a press conference at the Capitol in support of public school teachers.
Voucher bills to be heard by Senate Ed Committee
March 26, 2015: ATPE strongly opposes these proposed voucher bills that would take money away from the majority of Texas children served by public education and hand it to private institutions.
ATPE statement regarding Aycock’s Press Conference on Public Ed
March 25, 2015: ATPE Executive Director Gary Godsey responds to press conference on public education.
ATPE statement regarding HB4, more funding for Texas pre-k programs
March 24, 2015: Today, the House Committee on Public Education unanimously approved HB4, a bill that will provide more state funding for pre-k programs in Texas.
ATPE statement regarding Senate Bill 149
March 17, 2015: The following is a statement from ATPE Governmental Relations Manager Jennifer Canaday and ATPE Lobbyist Monty Exter regarding Senate Bill 149. SB 149 intends to help 28,000 high school seniors who have not passed state exams.
ATPE statement regarding Dan Patrick’s press conference
March 3, 2015: The following is a statement from ATPE Governmental Relations Director Brock Gregg regarding the press conference held by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and State Sen. Larry Taylor this morning.
Judge Dietz to address Texas teachers
February 19, 2015: State District Judge John Dietz will address hundreds of educators Sunday, February 22, during Lobby Day, a biennial ATPE political involvement training event.